Cool Location
So where will the Perfect Power Pitch business English interactive workshop take place?
In the coolest location in the Coburg area. The home of innovation and creativty as well as the thought-leaders at Zuknuft.Coburg.Digitial, the Digital Manufaktur in Rödental is the coolest location around.
Just the vibes which can be felt in this location will be enough for you enhance your own creativity and craft the best pitch to spellbind your potential clients.
Wo findet der interaktive Workshop Perfect Power Pitch Business English statt?
In der coolsten Location im Coburger Raum. Die Heimat von Innovation und Kreativität sowie den Vordenkern von Zuknuft.Coburg.Digital, der Digitalen Manufaktur in Rödental, ist eine der coolsten Locations in Bayern.
Allein die Stimmung, die hier zu spüren ist, reicht aus, um die eigene Kreativität zu steigern und den besten Pitch zu kreieren, der potenzielle Kunden in den Bann zieht.